Sunday 30 September 2012


GEOMETRY & PRECISION as architectural instruments

location: Photo of interior of apartment, Bronx, NY (Photo)

Individual work. 
Work out the dimensions of the room(s) from the photograph above and draw precisely the spatial relationships in plan, sections & perspective to scale. Refer to the entire “Bronx Floors” project for more images. Study details and relate to other work and references and use to inform drawings to a greater degree of precision. Allow your working lines, proportional rules, measurements & geometry to be included in the final drawings as an integral part of them. Make it a beautiful as well as a comprehensive piece of work, which clearly demonstrates a creative and individual approach to drawing. Pay attention to line weights and study good draftsmanship. Challenge yourself and your colleagues. 

portfolio: draw geometry, scale, architectural spatial sequences & detail precisely and comprehensively. In plan, sections & perspective. Include actively used reference material.
time: 1 week (introduction project+ pin up + final tutorial)
techniques: creative exploration of working drawings, detailed drafting, manuals & instruction drawings. 

Individual work. 
Begin a catalogue of recorded measurements of your own physical surroundings. Use a camera (camera phone) to photograph anything and everything with a measuring tape, ruler or scaled string. Organise photographs in types and continue to add to it throughout the year. Use this record in your design development to apply and test new spatial, material and constructional knowledge. 

portfolio: to supplement and inform design portfolio and technology submission
time: to continue through out the year
techniques: photographic record of measure and material properties & hand sketches to scale

Download brief for P01

Indicative project references: 
Bronx Floors (Gordon Matta Clark),
Le Bal (film),
Life; a users manual (George Perec),
The Georgian Town Houses (D. Cruckshank & P. Wyld),
Sewing patterns.
Traces Of Dance: Choreographers’ Drawings And Notations.
Borromini drawings,
Leonardo da Vinci drawings. 


Testing, testing, 1,2,3......

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